English 2053: Decimal Outline

Preparatory Reading
Before completing this assignment read pages 64-67 ("Decimal Outline").

Tip: Carefully review the restrictions listed on page 56 in the text. Failing to adhere to these rules, particularly the dictate against dividing any subject into only one part will have a bad effect on your grade.

Your Assignment
Select one of the articles listed here and write a decimal outline which reflects the information in the article.

  1. "Radio Frequencies"
  2. "Kinds of Maps and Kinds of Map Data"
  3. "The Colony"

In addition to introducing the methodology of decimal outlining that is frequently used in long technical documents, this assignments provides students with practice in precise, logical analysis of text.

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Due Date
The due date for the Decimnal Outline is listed on the syllabus.

Submission Method
You should be able to send your outline as an attachment to an email. Be sure that the attached file has a distinct name by using the following naming convention where the x's stand for your three initials.


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Contact instructor about this assignment cbrucker@atu.edu

updated: October 26, 2012